LC Economics Blog

Why is Market Equilibrium important?

Why is Market Equilibrium important?
Why is Market Equilibrium important? The response required for a perfect mark on the general Market Equilibrium question has increased throughout t...

What Causes Inflation

What Causes Inflation
What Causes Inflation Before we start, I just want to say that a short blog post is not the easiest way to convey what, at times, can be a difficul...

Is a Kid's Playground Social Capital?

Is a Kid's Playground Social Capital?
A student said to me the once “This Social Capital thing kind of confuses me. I understand why a hospital is Social Capital as it contributes to th...

Is buying shares an investment in the economic sense?

Is buying shares an investment in the economic sense?
A lot of times, in my tests, I ask for an example of investment and I get “buying shares” or “putting money into something” as answers. Unfortunate...