How to get a H1 in LC Business  - A 2021 Paper Review
How to get a H1 in LC Business  - A 2021 Paper Review
How to get a H1 in LC Business  - A 2021 Paper Review
How to get a H1 in LC Business  - A 2021 Paper Review

How to get a H1 in LC Business - A 2021 Paper Review

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The purpose of this pack is to try to help you understand how to score top marks at Leaving Cert Business by reviewing my actual script from the 2021 LC exam and comparing the marking scheme and marks awarded for my answers to try to discover how to maximise marks! 

I was not a corrector this year and have no knowledge of the process, so the pack is to compare my answers to the marking scheme to suggest reasons for getting marks and not getting marks in different areas and not based on me correcting the paper.

Hopefully having used this pack, you will have a good appreciation for:

  • Adequate answer length is shorter than you probably think it is 
  • Never use essay style layout or feel you need to pad/fill your answers with intros and general waffle
  • Keywords are king – if you don’t have the keywords then you won’t get any marks – engagement with marking schemes will help you to understand what keywords matter most for different chapters
  • What way to lay out your answers based on what outcome verb is used in the question (evaluate, illustrate, define, outline…)
  • How important attention to detail is – one word left out can cost you half the marks which happened to me in a few areas – great to identify the terms needed to maximise your marks for that type of question!
  • How to answer questions that refer to a mini story or that require you to give an example

I’ve written in some suggested solutions based off the 2021 Marking Scheme to accompany each question and compare what should get marks to what I’ve written. With these I’ve also put in the marking scheme and breakdown of marks for each question.